Take a Break and find your bucket!
I hope that everyone is having a fantastic Spring Break and you are all getting some rest and recovery! After a season of hard racing and raging your proverbial bucket is pretty empty. You have been dipping in to it all season long. As Ella on the UW says "I can't even find my bucket!" Sooo... the best thing that you can do this time of year after a hard race season is to TAKE A BREAK, do a lot of active recovery and play!!! I know some of you are jumping right in to a spring sport. Please ease in slowly (I know probably too late already) and be kind to your body. Think about your bucket and how you can start putting something back in to it. The best way to do this is through rest, active recovery, rolling, rubbing and putting your legs up the wall. Speed is not important right now and not even good. All of these things will prevent injury. Here is what I would suggest for training for the next month if you are not d...