Finishing Spring Sports

Good luck to everyone heading in to the last competitions for your spring sports!  Relax, have fun and race hard!

Looking forward to summer training:  We will have a meeting May 30th at 3:45 in the LHS Commons.    

Also, I am so STOKED to see that some of you have registered for the camp!  I would love to see more Laramie skiers names on the list!  Please contact me if you are interested in a scholarship.  Here is the link to registration for the camp:

Here are some training suggestions for this week:

Monday:  30 min. Active Recovery Run or Rest Day

Tuesday am:  7220 at 6:00 am / 20 min. warm up / Strength Circuit and Core / 10 min. Cool Down 

Tuesday pm:  Yoga at the Lab School Gym at 5:30 pm

Wednesday:  1:30 Over Distance Run / Rollerski / Bike

Thursday am:  7220 at 6:00 am / 20 min. warm up / Strength and Core / 10 min. Cool Down 
Thursday pm:  Yoga at the Lab School Gym at 5:30 pm

Friday:  Go to the Park with friends and play a game!

Saturday:  1:30 - 2:00 Over Distance Ski / Run / Rollerski / Bike

Sunday:  Day Off!!


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