Casper Race Week

Hi all you amazing skiers!  We are still thinking about what an amazing weekend we had racing at home! We so proud of all of you!  Lets keep the passion flowing!

Here is our week

Monday:  No practice sleep in or Specific Strength on your own
Monday:  Meet at the HS 3:30 teachers parking lot / Skate skiing / 30 min. Warm up / Stepping and cornering drills / 15 min. Cool Down

Tuesday:  No practice sleep in or Yoga on your own
Tuesday:  Meet at the HS 3:30 teachers parking lot / Classic Skiing / 15 min. Warm Up / Walt Style Sprint Practice / 10 min. Cool Down / Boys Night 7:00 pm Becca's House

Wednesday:  6:00 or 6:30 am Specific Strength
Wednesday:  Classic Ski / 45 min.  Over Distance / Leg speeds / 10 min.  Cool down

Thursday:  6:45 Yoga
Thursday:  Waxing

Friday:  Leave for Casper 5:45 am / Casper Race 10k Freestyle / Start Time 11:30 am

Saturday:  Casper Race / Walt Style Sprints / Start Time 9:00 am

Sunday:  Rest Day


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