July 11th - 17th

It's a perfect time to spice it up this week with a 5k running citizen race!  See what you can find and hope in it! 

Monday:  Rest Day or Yoga / Spend some time with a foam roller

Tuesday am:  Run/Core/Strength with the UW team at Cross Fit 7220 6:00 am 

Tuesday pm:  Yoga @ Lab School Gym / 5:30 pm

Wednesday:  1:00 - 1:15 min. Over Distance Run / Rollerski / Bike or Meet UW team @ Stadium Parking Lot 5:00 for a OD run

Thursday:  Run/Core/Strength with the UW team at Cross Fit 7220 6:00 am 

Thursday pm:  Yoga @ Lab School Gym / 5:30 pm

Friday:  Breakfast Club!  Turtle Rock Coffee Shop 6:00 am Rollerski

Saturday:  2:00 - 3:00 hour Over Distance Run/Hike/Bike or find a 5k running race to do!

Sunday:  Rest Day or Active recovery choose an activity


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