Week 12 - Cody
Some times we forget that the only way that we can get better as athletes is to take a day off. It can some times be the hardest thing that we do but then our bodies can heal repair and become stronger than they ever were before. Monday is designed to do just this. Put your legs up the wall, eat good food and take a nap!! (horizontal time!) Maybe find one of your team mates and go get coffee together or go to see a movie. Monday: Spa Day!!! No Practice today!!! Your job today is to go home put your legs up the wall, eat and take a nap!!! Tuesday: Skate Skiing / 30 min. Warm Up / Intervals / 10 min. Cool Down Wednesday: Core 3:15 Classic Ski / 1:30 Over Distance Ski Thursday: Leave for Cody at 7:00 am / Waxing / 30 min Run or Walk / Dinner Friday, February 3 rd , (5 km Free-style Race): 10:00 AM Bibs available at “Race Headquarters Cabin #1” 11:45 AM Course CLOSED Use ...