Week 9 - Intensity Block

This is the prime flu season and as athletes we are pushing our bodies so now more than ever is a good time to be taking good care of yourself.

Here are a few things you can add in:

Lots of green tea
Vitamin D3
Fruits and vegetables
Multi Vitamins
Emergen C

Here are a few things you may want to cut back on:

Junk food

Here is our plan for practice this week:

Monday:  Day Off! No Practice! (if you are feeling really good do a 45 min. active recovery ski)

Tuesday:  Skate ski / 1:15 Over Distance Ski

Wednesday:  Core / Classic ski / 20 min. warm up / 3 x 4 min. relay Intervals / 10 min. Cool Down

Thursday am:  Yoga 6:20 at LHS
Thursday:  Classic Ski / 20 min. Warm up / 30 min. double pole / 10 min. Cool Down

Friday:  Skate Ski / 20 min. Warm up / Games / 10 min. Cool down

Saturday:  TBA / JNs skiers CMBC race


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