Volume Week
When you are doing a volume week it is very important that you try to get all of your hours in. So do your best. Also when you are training a lot. Don't forget you can be on a see food diet. Eating is a good thing!
October 15-21 Volume Week
- Monday: 1:00 (Zone 1) Rollerski or Rollerblade (if you don't have rollerskis or rollerblades then you will be running or biking) 4:00pm Optimist Park, bike path.
- 2 days (Tuesday & Thursday): Strength - Yoga Optional Practice
- 1 day: 1:00 (Zone 1) easy Your Choice (you can split these up into 2 different workouts on the same day if you want.)
- Wednesday: 1:15 (Zone 1) LSD Run (Zone 1) 4:00pm Half-Acre Gym
- Friday: Natural Intervals w/ poles (Zone 3&4) 4:00pm Happy Jack
- Sunday:1:45 (Zone 1) Run 9:00am Half-Acre Gym