10th week - Intensity Block & Lander Race

 I can't believe we are headed into the 10th week of our season!  That means after this week we only have 5 weeks left!  That is crazy!  That said I am so stoked to be able to get back to training after our cold snap.  In the next few weeks, we are really going to be honing in on some technique work and working on gaining some more speed.  

Here is a great video showing some double pole techniques:

In this video, Andy does a great job of explaining the difference between only using your abs to using your whole core for Double Pole.  

This video does a great job of talking about Double Pole with a kick:

Here is what training will look like this week:

Monday:  No practice!  Core and Yoga on your own. 

* If you go out to ski please look at the temperature before you go!  Make sure it is above - 4.

Tuesday am:  Core and Yoga on Your Own
Tuesday pm:  Classic Skiing / 1:15 Over Distance with single stick Speeds / 10 min. Cool Down

Wednesday am:  Core and Yoga on Your Own
Wednesday pm:  Waxing / 30 - 40 min. Run or ski on your own 

Thursday am:  Leave for after lunch @ 12:30 pm
Thursday pm:  Run when we get to Riverton 

Friday Sprint Freestyle Race
Ladder 6 Heats

Description of Race:

Varsity Boys and Girls will race a 1.6 km loop. There will not be a JV
category/race. All races will be freestyle.

Schedule of Events:

10:30 AM: Course Open for Inspection - ALL Skiers, Spectators and Coaches
MUST ski the direction of the race at all times. See the course map attached.
11:20 AM: Course Closed & National Anthem
11:30 AM SPRINT HEATS - very similar to the Jackson format.
Each athlete will ski 3 to 4 rounds of heats for each gender alternating,
approximately 30 min each round. We will use coach seeds for initial heat
placement instead of a qualifier race. This allows us to provide athletes more
experience in the head-to-head race setting.
Results and next heat will be posted on a white board located near the start area
and/or available with volunteers helping athletes line up.
A new round will start every 2.5 to 5 minutes so athletes need to be very attentive
to assigned heats.
The last round will start no later than 4pm.
Heats will not be timed. The top 2 athletes in each heat will move up to the next
heat. The middle placers will remain in that heat and the bottom two will move
down a heat.
5:00 PM Trails closed to all skiing for grooming for Saturday’s race.

Saturday February 5th

7.5km Classic High School Race
4km Classic Middle School Race
2km Classic Novice Race
15 sec Interval Start
Beaver Creek Ski Trails

Description of Race:

Varsity Boys and Girls will race 7.5km Classic, 15 second interval start. There will
not be a JV category/race. The course will be groomed single track “best line”
with double tracks where appropriate as snowpack and terrain allows.

Middle School athletes will race 4km Classic, 15 second interval start.
Novice athletes will race 2 km Classic, 15 sec interval start. The Novice event is
reserved for those skiers who can not ski 1km in under 13-15 minutes. (This is
what was discussed by all MS coaches at the end of season wrap up meeting).

Schedule of Events:

8:30 AM: Course Open for Inspection - ALL Skiers, Spectators and Coaches
MUST ski the direction of the race at all times. See the course map attached.
9:50 AM: Course Closed & National Anthem
10:00 AM Girls Varsity
Followed by Boys VarsityFriday Sprint Freestyle Race
Ladder 6 Heats

Description of Race:

Varsity Boys and Girls will race a 1.6 km loop. There will not be a JV
category/race. All races will be freestyle.

Schedule of Events:

10:30 AM: Course Open for Inspection - ALL Skiers, Spectators and Coaches
MUST ski the direction of the race at all times. See the course map attached.
11:20 AM: Course Closed & National Anthem
11:30 AM SPRINT HEATS - very similar to the Jackson format.

Each athlete will ski 3 to 4 rounds of heats for each gender alternating,
approximately 30 min each round. We will use coach seeds for initial heat
placement instead of a qualifier race. This allows us to provide athletes more
experience in the head-to-head race setting.

Results and next heat will be posted on a white board located near the start area
and/or available with volunteers helping athletes line up.
A new round will start every 2.5 to 5 minutes so athletes need to be very attentive
to assigned heats.

The last round will start no later than 4pm.
Heats will not be timed. The top 2 athletes in each heat will move up to the next
heat. The middle placers will remain in that heat and the bottom two will move
down a heat.

5:00 PM Trails closed to all skiing for grooming for Saturday’s race.

Saturday February 5th

7.5km Classic High School Race
4km Classic Middle School Race
2km Classic Novice Race
15 sec Interval Start
Beaver Creek Ski Trails

Description of Race:

Varsity Boys and Girls will race 7.5km Classic, 15 second interval start. There will
not be a JV category/race. The course will be groomed single track “best line”
with double tracks where appropriate as snowpack and terrain allows.

Middle School athletes will race 4km Classic, 15 second interval start.
Novice athletes will race 2 km Classic, 15 sec interval start. The Novice event is
reserved for those skiers who can not ski 1km in under 13-15 minutes. (This is
what was discussed by all MS coaches at the end of season wrap up meeting).

Schedule of Events:

8:30 AM: Course Open for Inspection - ALL Skiers, Spectators and Coaches
MUST ski the direction of the race at all times. See the course map attached.
9:50 AM: Course Closed & National Anthem
10:00 AM Girls Varsity
Followed by Boys Varsity


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